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    Succubi's Staff App


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-02-17

    Succubi's Staff App Empty Succubi's Staff App

    Post  or4ngecookie Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:14 am

    Name: Susie Choi

    Time Zone/Location: Central America PST +2hours

    Age: 14, soon to be 15<3

    Email/AIM: or4ngecookie@gmail.com/ soojieng@naver.come for MSN

    In-Game-Name: Succubi


    1.What will/can you do as a GM?: I would help the players. Give a lot of suggestions. Entertain people. Help the new comers for Information. I'll always be careful about what i do. Never go over limit. I have lot of experiences, so i know whats right thing to do or not.

    2.What could you contribute to the server if you were to become a GM?: I can give you a lot of suggestions. Advertise. Help on Gfx. Help on forum.

    3.What would you do if you saw someone hacking (1st time, 2nd, 3rd)?:1st time, i watch for a min and take screenshot And jail him for few mins.
    2nd time, ill bann him for few days. Then on 3rd time, Perm bann.

    4.How would you deal with a spammer/abuser?: I would warn him to stop. If he doesn't, Ill jail him. If he still doesn't stop, ill bann him for good amount of time.

    5.How would you use the !item command?: I would use it for making the item to use on Event. I will never abuse the GM power. NEVER I never give out items or anything.

    6.Do you have any GM experience?: ive been Gm 2~3times, Gfx 2times, Site Admin once, Co-owner once. And I actually made server before. But had to quit due to my computer problems.
    Servers that I clearly remember are: SexyMs, PaperStory, WafflesMs, NidahMs(something like that)
    I don't remember half of it, because It has been more than a year...sorry

    7.Any unique talents(coding, gfx, etc): I can do little bit of map editing. I do Gfx. (didnt apply for gfx cuz i saw someone more pro than me xD) Good at Advertising.

    8.What type of events would you host? With what prize? how often?: I can do JQs, Bomberman, Hide&seek, Trivia, and more depending on the situation. Prize would be not too much, not too little. If the event is easy, little. If its hard, little bit more. :] I won't be spamming events. Maybe like twice in a day or so. Or just once if other Gm decides to host some.

    9.How many hours would you be willing to commit a week?: After school till i sleep xD so pretty much ALL day. And more on weekends.

    10.What would you do if you saw a relative/friend hacking?: Ah. Thats tough.
    But the rule is a rule. Same for them. Warn, jail, bann.

    11.Would you leave the server if you were not picked as GM?: Noo.nono. I won't be mad or sad if i don't get accepted. That just proves that i need more experience and skills. But I would be sad if i don't even get a chance to prove and show you my abilities and helps i can give.

    12.Would you leave the server if a problem were to happen (small and big)?: Nope.
    I would help the server to rise up again!

    13.Why should we choose you as GM?: I bet you guys are looking for helpful, mature staff. Well, I am. I never break rules.
    And I have been playing Maplestory for about 7~8years now.
    I played since Kms first came out, then moved to Gms, then moved to Ps.(still play gms)
    So i really have everything i need to know about maplestory.

    14.What would you do if a player asked for an Event item/MSI (Max stat item)?: I would NEVER give out Msi or event items. i would tell them "Please don't ask me that question again. It's so ovious that the answer is no. Earn Msi by putting an effort, earn event items by joining event. Thank you."

    ~A little about yourself: I am Korean. I came to America 3years ago from Korea. I speak fluent english though.
    I speak english ofcourse, and korean.
    My personality is quiet, nice, friendly, and matured.
    But! in Ps, i go kinda Chatty. im not a*boring* person. But sometimes I go very quiet xP

    ~Additional Info: Maybe your thinking " I'm not sure if this person is mature enough or even helpful...i should just decline...or....idk..."
    Well, just give me a Chance! You can make me intern for short amount of time or just interview me. Yes, i would have to steal some of your time for you to test me. But I'm sure that you won't end up going "wow...what an immature, greedy girl >.>"
    So Plz! Give me a chance!
    I wont dissapoint you.<3

    Thanks for your time -Succubi-

      Current date/time is Mon May 20, 2024 11:52 pm